Messy Color™ Sea Foam Ltd Run

511401 - Sold Out

Sea Foam Ltd Run (511401)<br />An opal green resembling beach glass.

An opal green resembling beach glass.

Sea Foam with 99% fine silver wire. See more at Darlene's blog. – Darlene Collette

Click here for other interesting Sea Foam Ltd Run discoveries.

Messy Sea Foam Ltd Run
Joy Munshower
Messy Sea Foam
Doretha Jones
Sea Foam with silver leaf and opalescent silver glasses
Kitty Bozzini
Sea Foam
Genea Crivello
Messy Sea Foam
Darlene Collette

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Special thanks to Genea Crivello-Knable for providing the photo in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

Sea Foam with 99% fine silver wire. See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"As you can see in the picture above, CiM Sea Foam is a pretty reactive colour. It is a Limited Run, and seems to be an odd lot of Kryptonite, although the reactions I got with Sea Foam are far more intense than the reactions with Kryptonite were. Sea Foam is a little greener and a little brighter in colour than Kryptonite. I didn't order any of this colour but I really wish I had because I think it is a colour with a lot of interesting possibilities." Read more at Melanie's blog.
Melanie Graham
"Sea Foam and dots of Double Helix silver infused test glass, HE-379.    The silver glass was reduced to bring out the hues of gold, silver and copper shine." See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"This handmix turned out so cool and watery, it almost beckons you to dive in! I used two of the newly released limited run CiM colors - Jade and Sea Foam - and I mixed them with Halong Bay. I love the smooth, shiny surface of the beads and the way the Halong Bay created even more translucence in the already semi-translucent opal shades of Jade and Seafoam."
Dana George
"I thought it looked like it might be close to Effetre 516 Nile Green Opalino - but in fact - Nile Green Opalino is a yellowier-green." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson