Messy Color™ Sherwood

511492 - Sold Out

Sherwood (511492)<br />An opaque forest green.

An opaque forest green.

Left to right:
Effetre 856, Army Men, Olive, Juniper, Leaf Men, Sherwood – Claudia Eidenbenz

Click here for other interesting Sherwood discoveries.

Messy Sherwood
Genea Crivello
Messy Dirty Martini & Sherwood
Laura Sparling
Messy Sherwood
Joy Munshower
Messy Sherwood
Robert Jennik
Messy Sherwood
Melanie Graham
Messy Sherwood, Kryptonite, & Peacock Green
Gloria Sevey

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Sherwood is unique to the 104 color palette.
"The thing about CiM greens is that they really fill a gap in the 104 palette. Sherwood is a proper 'natural' kind of green. You could use it for vine cane and leaves and it wouldn't be too in-your-face and garish. Yes, Effetre Grass Green, I'm talking about you!" Read more at Laura's blog. – Laura Sparling
  • Special thanks to Laura Sparling & Genea Crivello-Knable for providing the photos in this section.

Darlene Collette used Peace as a base for Celadon & Sherwood dots.
Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

Left to right:
Effetre 856, Army Men, Olive, Juniper, Leaf Men, Sherwood
Claudia Eidenbenz
Left to right:
Army Men, Olive, Juniper, Leaf Men, Sherwood
Claudia Eidenbenz
"Holly leaves murrini made from Sherwood and Maraschino." See more of Jolene's murrini.
Jolene Wolfe
"The green spacers I have added to this set are Z077 over Sherwood which is a versatile and slightly striated medium green that I use an awful lot for vines and leaves and seaweed." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"I decided to work on an underwater theme for my first Mini Mo' for 2012 . . . Underwater World uses Effetre Coral, transparent light Grass Green and Petrol Green with CiM Hades and CiM Sherwood." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"My second colorway, Secret Garden, uses CiM Sherwood, Reichenbach Multicolor, Effetre Dark Silver Plum and a medley of pinks and purples in the ribbon cane." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"Sherwood, light Ivory, and Black. Clean and simple!" Read more at Chris's blog.
Chris Sanderson
"These two are Sherwood and non veiled rubino oro . . . I am just using standard clear where needed in these. I also am not too happy with the way the Sherwood went kind of milky with this application." Read more at Chris's blog.
Chris Sanderson
Sherwood with DH T114 and Aurae dots.
Carol Oliver
"Sherwood is a pretty typical opaque medium green - and by typical, I am not talking about the color, which is lovely. What I mean by it is that this green, along with most opaque greens in the 104 COE palette, tends to be quite dominant. It can bleed a little, and suck up other colors which are applied near it. It's not nearly as bad as some of the Effetre greens, which means it can be used as a layering color as long as you're careful." Read more at Kandice's blog.
Kandice Seeber
"Sherwood does react with ivory - not an extreme reaction, just a nice little grey line to add interest." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Sherwood makes a surprisingly good base for Silver Glass. I say surprising only because my personal experience has not led me to expect greens to be really cooperative when used this way. I got great colour for me out of my TerraNova2 frit on the bead on the left, the halos that appeared around it are pretty cool. I also really like the way the reduction frit spread out on the bead on the right." Read more about Sherwood tests at Melanie's blog, including tests with silver leaf, Copper Green, Tuxedo, Opal Yellow, Ivory, and white.
Melanie Graham
"Sherwood loses its crispness and definition and tends to spread when used as stringer. Of course, this effect isn't a bad thing - sometimes you can use this type of glass property to your design advantage. The Sherwood is used on top of Dirty Martini here." Read more at Laura's blog.
Laura Sparling