Messy Color™ Fairy Tale Ltd Run

511642 -

Fairy Tale Ltd Run (511642)<br />A transparent color that shifts between blue and lavender depending on your lighting.

A transparent color that shifts between blue and lavender depending on your lighting.

Left to right: Charisma, Fairy Tale, Ornela 2030 Fuchsia hell. – Claudia Eidenbenz

Click here for other interesting Fairy Tale Ltd Run discoveries.


Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"Well this one turned out a little surprisingly. In rod form it's purple, but as you can see once worked it shifts to a definite warm pink. I didn't notice any striking while working it. As you can see I have etched one of the beads, and it's very pretty either way! I did find that this needed to be worked a little cooler to prevent any bubbling, but it was only very slight and not a big issue."
Trudi Doherty
Left to right: Fairy Tale, Pink Champagne, Yours Truly, Coming Up Roses.
Jenefer Ham
Left to right: Charisma, Fairy Tale.
Claudia Eidenbenz
Left to right: Charisma, Fairy Tale, Ornela 2030 Fuchsia hell.
Claudia Eidenbenz