Messy Color™ Saddle Leather Ltd Run

511738 -

Saddle Leather Ltd Run (511738)<br />A warm opaque brown.

A warm opaque brown.

"Saddle Leather turns olive green." – Suzanne Cancilla-Fox

Click here for other interesting Saddle Leather Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Saddle Leather
Heather Sellers
CiM Saddle Leather
Joy Munshower
CiM Saddle Leather & Birchwood
Suzy Hannabuss
CiM Saddle Leather
Darlene Collette
CiM Saddle Leather
Heather Johnson
CiM Saddle Leather & Café Au Lait
Michelle Veizaga

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Special thanks to Claudia Eidenbenz & Suzy Hannabuss for the photos in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"A beautiful tan colour with hints of reddish brown in creases. A brown so natural as nature is. I love the smooth working and melting of this glass. A new addition to my acorns for fall."
Jean Daniels
"This time I turned down my kiln by 5 degrees to see if that would help with the striking. This bead looks better. Opaque the way it should be.”
Suzanne Cancilla-Fox
"Saddle Leather turns olive green."
Suzanne Cancilla-Fox
"Saddle Leather is a lovely toasty warm brown. I can definitely see using this for animals, horses, etc."
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Saddle Leather is a lovely warm autumn colour. When encased and when used with silver glass, it is a beautiful peachy colour."
Suzy Hannabuss
"Saddle Leather does very nice things with a silver ivory stringer."
Heather Johnson
"Saddle Leather is a lovely warm, light brown. For me it's a perfect critter colour as I didn't find it struck particularly and it gave a fairly even tone all over my little chickens. It's lighter than Effetre Red Roof Tile. Very nice to work with."
Heather Johnson
"I decided to make some hand-blown glass shards of Saddle Leather, an opaque brown, with silvered ivory. The glass melted like butter with no shockiness. I created this bead set pairing the shards and dots of silvered ivory Saddle Leather with Birchwood. I like the colors that it produced with the silvered ivory." See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"Saddle Leather is a really lovely warm and creamy light brown. This one would be excellent for skin tones and animal beads. Working notes: not shocky, easy to sculpt, very smooth with no pitting. Unique color."
Lori Peterson
"Don't judge a book by its cover- this colour is not appealing to look at in rod form, but is surprisingly pretty awesome when melted and used with silver glass. Melts like butter, no boiling or scumming, but would recommend preheating."
Juliette Mullett
Maria Schoenenberger
"Saddle Leather is a lovely glass, nice and soft to melt with no shocking. Around the silver wire it got a small dark reaction which I liked very much. This also was very thinly present directly around DH Aurae dots on another bead [not pictured] but didn’t spread or change the colour of the surrounding glass. However, silver ivory stringer did not affect the glass at all. Here shown: Saddle Leather bead with same dots & pure silver wire."
Bianca Gruber
"Same comparison colours but photographed indoors with photography lights."
Bianca Gruber
"I like Saddle Leather! It’s a warm light brown leathery colour but it also reminded me of caramel chocolate! I noticed on my pressed pumpkin that the bead had small areas that had devitrified but another bead [not pictured] did not. These beads have been made using a brass press. Photographed outdoors on slate."
Bianca Gruber
"This heart is made with Saddle Leather and Aegean. The areas burnished with silver are very dark indeed. There is a wonderful organic looking earthy crust with a smattering of silver droplets. Yummy!" Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"I made a sculptural bird bead with Saddle Leather. The final color differed from the color of the rod. The result was a peachy caramel brown. No other issues. I began with a clear ‘core’ body and then encased in Saddle Leather. This gives an opportunity to see encasement with the color. The head, wings and tail were added straight from the rod. I used Reichenbach Deep Black for the base of the beak followed by Effetre Pastel Yellow. The eyes were also Reichenbach Deep Black."
Kim Fields
"Saddle Leather is a really nice neutral tone! The longer you work it the more you lose the rosy blush tones and the more the warm brown tones surface. I will definitely be buying this color for some of my sculpture work and can't wait to see how it will change with a two hour bead. It melted smoothly and shaped easily."
Joy Munshower
Left to right: Nutmeg, Saddle Leather.
Claudia Eidenbenz