Messy Color™ Aquamarine Ice Misty Ltd Run

511588 -

Aquamarine Ice Misty Ltd Run (511588)<br />A cyan blue misty opal.

A cyan blue misty opal.

“I made a sculptural bird bead with Aquamarine Ice Misty. Nice pale aqua color and it was easy to work with. I began with a clear ‘core’ body and then encased in Aquamarine Ice Misty. This gives an opportunity to see encasement with the color. The head, wings and tail were added straight from the rod. I used Reichenbach Deep Black for the base of the beak followed by Effetre Pastel Yellow. The eyes were also Reichenbach Deep Black.” – Kim Fields

Click here for other interesting Aquamarine Ice Misty Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Aquamarine Ice Misty
Jenefer Ham
CiM Aquamarine Ice with Effetre Light Ivory, CiM Trade Winds, Double Helix Ekho, Zephyr, and Aurae Light
Darlene Collette
CiM Aquamarine Ice Misty
Laura Sparling
CiM Aquamarine Ice Misty
Carol Ann Savage
CiM Aquamarine Ice Misty
Joy Munshower
CiM Aquamarine Ice Misty
Trudi Doherty

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Aquamarine Misty / Milky is meant to be a misty / milky opal equivalent of 509 Poseidon.
  • Special thanks to Claudia Eidenbenz & Suzy Hannabuss for the photos in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"This is a lovely milky turquoise. Very light and almost glowing. Reminds me of the bright turquoise color of glacier ice. Easy to work, not shocky or boily [is that a word?] Very clean and stable color."
Anna Miller
"Aquamarine Ice Misty and Milky. The top fishy is the Misty. In the photos I look at it and think dark aqua or aqua or turquoise, but in real life I think they look not quite so aqua, more of a cyan."
Dwyn Tomlinson
“I am in love! This warm, juicy shade ticks all of my blue boxes. Aquamarine Ice is one of those Goldilocks glasses, not too stiff and not too soupy. There were no issues with shockiness. Shown here in rod form, as a sculpted flower, a hollow heart and over silver foil.”
Janet Evans
"Aquamarine Ice is a beautiful colour. The original Poseidon was unreliable and very hard to keep consistent. This new Milky and Misty version are much more reliable. Melts well and is a strong colour."
Suzy Hannabuss
Learn how to use silver mesh and wire with Aquamarine Ice Misty by watching Maria's Youtube video.
Maria Schoenenberger
"A beautiful swimming misty pool blue, so incredibly beautiful. Melts like a dream. The colour is incredible."
Juliette Mullett
"Aquamarine Ice Misty is a dream to work with! Melted over a core of white, not shocky or bubbly even when layered with enamels. Makes for a good sky blue."
Tammy Mercier
"Aquamarine Ice Misty is a refreshing, calming blue color that brings to mind the sea on a bright sunny day. I was excited to work with it not only because I love this color but also because I love the way I was able to effortlessly sculpt and blow it into shape. I did encounter a bit of scorching when I applied the handles to my vessel. I most likely caused this by spending too much time trying to perfect their shape in the heat. This tells me to avoid overheating any particular area for an extended period of time."
Susan Parry
"Wintery blue icy shade. Smooth melting, wonderful, soft and serene. It works well even working a bit longer. A blue quartz shade."
Jean Daniels
"Aquamarine Ice Misty is a misty version of the opal blue glass as they expand their offerings of misty and milky palettes. I wanted to experiment to see if its color would be maintained through multiple heating and cooling cycles as I created my goddess style beads. Starting on a base of this glass, I layered dots of Effetre Light Ivory, rare CiM’s Trade Winds and Double Helix rare Ekho silver glass. Clear portal dots of DH Zephyr were added to capture the stormed reaction of the silver glass. Dots of DH Aurae Light complete each bead. As you can notice, the base of Aquamarine Ice Misty does darken to a more green color. I like the color as it blends well with the mini storms in each bead portal." See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"Aquamarine Ice is a pale true blue. This one comes in both a milky and a misty version and they are both gorgeous. My working notes: Misty- lovely ethereal warm blue, smooth, no pitting or scum, not shocky.  Milky- really nice to work with, minimally shocky, great to sculpt.”
Lori Peterson
"Aquamarine Ice is a rework of CiM Poseidon into misty and milky versions of this fabulous glowing blue. I think they both perfectly colour match to Poseidon which is one of my all time fav CiM glasses. No problems melting even without pre-warming. No bubbling or shocking. I thought the milky was a little stiffer than the misty to reshape but only very slightly and of course a little milkier and not quite as transparent as misty. These are beautiful dreamy translucent versions and quite gorgeous. I made another bead with Aquamarine Ice Misty and added Double Helix Aurae dots [not pictured] to check for reactions. The silver turned Aquamarine Ice a mottled sea green blue. Yuck but one to remember if using silver glass to thin encase first."
Bianca Gruber
“I made a sculptural bird bead with Aquamarine Ice Misty. Nice pale aqua color and it was easy to work with. I began with a clear ‘core’ body and then encased in Aquamarine Ice Misty. This gives an opportunity to see encasement with the color. The head, wings and tail were added straight from the rod. I used Reichenbach Deep Black for the base of the beak followed by Effetre Pastel Yellow. The eyes were also Reichenbach Deep Black.”
Kim Fields
"I hardly ever encase the CiM opals and I don’t know why. I think it must stem from my beginner beadmaking days and it was an absolute no-no to consider encasing any of the Italian opalino and alabastro glass because it would crack, so I think I got it into my head that it would be the same with the CiM opals. However, on the few occasions that I have encased the CiM opals I’ve not had any troubles. This round  of testing . . . I’ve added a thin layer of clear as a barrier so that any decoration stays neat and clean because the opals have a tendency to make stringer and spots feathery and wibbly. That’s fine because you can use it to your advantage, like I do for my ‘batik’ style beads, but more often than not I like my dots and lines to be as crisp as a Krisproll." Read more at Laura's blog.
Laura Sparling
"I really love this color! It's a nice icey blue that isn't too bright. It played well with silvered ivory and retained just a bit of translucency. It's a really pretty color that melts smoothly and handles nicely."
Joy Munshower
Left to right: Aquamarine Ice Milky, Aquamarine Ice Misty.
Claudia Eidenbenz