Messy Color™ Osage Wood Ltd Run

511228 -

Osage Wood Ltd Run (511228)<br />An apricot orange cloudy transparent.

An apricot orange cloudy transparent.

"A very lovely cloudy sandalwood coloured glass. In my simple pressed pumpkin bead, you can see the striations but they may get lost in a denser bead as it's quite a dark colour. Melted easily and as it was a cloudy glass I preheated it! I learned the hard way with cloudy CiM Heather firing glass shards at me without preheating last year!" – Bianca Gruber

Click here for other interesting Osage Wood Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Osage Wood with DH Hyperion
Darlene Collette
CiM Osage Wood, Elegance, & Lingonberry
Regis Teixera
CiM Osage Wood
Heather Johnson
CiM Osage Wood
Anna Miller
CiM Osage Wood
Suzanne Cancilla-Fox

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Osage Wood is a cloudy transparent. Many testers report that our cloudy transparents are prone to shockiness or breakage. **Please pre-warm / pre-anneal rods accordingly.**
  • Special thanks to Claudia Eidenbenz for the photo in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"Nice clean melting, easy to work with and perfect for sculpting. Very nice caramel shade. I must make some glass candy with it."
Anna Miller
"Hard to describe this color, is it orange? Brown? I like Osage Wood, I certainly like it for the fish and this is sort of where I was trying to go for a carved stone look."
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Osage Wood is described as a cloudy transparent or pigment suspended in clear. Notes say to be aware it can be shocky and to preheat. I have to say that is the case. If you look closely at the pothead right around the mouth, you can see the result of a shocked and popped rod. Aside from one popping episode, the glass behaved beautifully. The pigment gave a nice streaky look that is reminiscent of wood grain and is colored similar to Osage Orange wood. The clear that the pigment is suspended in is stiffer than Effetre clear so it takes more heat and time to shape but it works beautifully and is resistant to scumming and bubbling."
Chris Haussler
“Osage Wood is part of a newer line of colors made with pigment powders. This gives these glasses an ethereal quality that is reminiscent of veiled glass. If you know me then you know I love colors that represent nature- this color really does fit that and provides a fuss free way to get a soft warm peachy tan color without striking. I am working on a Minor Bench Burner with tanked oxygen and propane and did not find this color too shocky to work with. I did, however, warm the rod in the back of my flame just to be on the safe side. I was also pleased to find that there was no boiling or scumming. This is one of my favorite colors in the palette!”
Michelle Veizaga
"Another 'Cloudy Transparent' colour along the lines of Heather, Watermelon, Chocolate, Stonewashed etc. Osage Wood is a lovely warm orange. It reminds me of caramels or toffees. This photo shows two self coloured spacers on the left, over white in the middle, and over clear on the right. Personally I love these colours layered over clear. I didn't find Osage Wood to be particularly shocky but it is known that Cloudy Transparents can be quite shocky. I did find that when pulled into thin stringers and used as detail for a sheep that it had a tendency to boil as the end of the stringer got too hot. Again, I've found the same thing happens when using Heather so I suspect it's a Cloudy Transparent thing and I just need to work my stringers on the cool side."
Heather Johnson
"This is an unusual colour, a light cloudy transparent orange, tending towards a light apricot brown. It’s a nice muted orange which will be really useful in a natural organic palette. I have decorated the beads with silver foil and a mix of Val Cox Green Autumn frit and raku frit. The glass is non-reactive but the silver looks very pretty on the surface. The glass needs preheating to avoid shockiness and I heated gently to prevent bubbling."
Josephine Wadman
"This set of round beads were created on a base of Osage Wood, an apricot orange cloudy transparent. When streams of Double Helix's Hyperion silver glass were drawn and reduced, the glass was fumed to a golden sheen, deepening the apricot orange and the shine was brought to the surface. The spacer beads are solid Osage Wood for comparison." See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
Watch Maria's YouTube demo of a teddy bear made with Osage Wood.
Maria Schoenenberger
"Osage Wood is a cloudy colour from CiM. I tend to automatically pre-heat these colours as they do have inclusions, but only for a few minutes. As I prefer softer shades, I decided to layer this over CiM Foam and was rewarded with a beautifully soft pastel orange. The glass itself is more on the soft side [not overly] and was easy to work with."
Trudi Doherty
"A very lovely cloudy sandalwood coloured glass. In my simple pressed pumpkin bead, you can see the striations but they may get lost in a denser bead as it's quite a dark colour. Melted easily and as it was a cloudy glass I preheated it! I learned the hard way with cloudy CiM Heather firing glass shards at me without preheating last year!"
Bianca Gruber
“I made a sculptural bird bead with Osage Wood. I really liked this color and found it easy to work with. When photographing it, however, I noticed that the top of the body had a crack and as the day progressed, the crack got larger until it finally traveled around the circumference of the body. I began with a clear ‘core’ body and then encased in Osage Wood. This gives an opportunity to see encasement with the color. The head, wings and tail were added straight from the rod. I used Reichenbach Deep Black for the base of the beak followed by Effetre Pastel Yellow. The eyes were also Reichenbach Deep Black.”
Kim Fields
"Osage Wood is a gorgeous cantaloupe opal color that I really enjoyed working with. The rods were nice, melted smoothly and played well with silvered ivory. I'm looking forward to trying this color out as a sea anemone! I really liked it and think it's a unique color added to the 104 palette."
Joy Munshower
Left to right: Osage Wood, Dusty Rose, Peaches & Cream.
Claudia Eidenbenz