Messy Color™ Carefree Ltd Run

511581 -

Carefree Ltd Run (511581)<br />A clear base with green, purple, and blue streamers.

A clear base with green, purple, and blue streamers.

“The new CiM Streamer glasses are all transparent with stripes of various opaque colours running the length of the rod. When used they result in ribbons and wisps of colour suspended in the glass. I’ve put these together in one post because usage wise the Streamers are all pretty much the same. They melt smoothly with no shocking, hazing or bubbling. Great to work with. This glass needs to be used carefully to get the best out of it. You can’t just slap it on the mandrel all cattywampus and expect it to look great. You need to wrap it or layer it on with care so that the streamers can stream. I feel that this glass lends itself perfectly to discs and hollows due to the way these types of beads are constructed. I opted for hollow beads and all of the ones pictured were made with the two disc method, not blown.” Read more at Laura’s blog. – Laura Sparling

Click here for other interesting Carefree Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Carefree
Jennifer Borek
CiM Carefree
Claudia Eidenbenz
CiM Carefree
Darlene Collette
A thin core of CiM Robert E encased with Carefree
Jolene Wolfe
CiM Carefree over white with Stonewashed
Laurie Nessel
CiM Carefree
Joy Munshower

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Carefree is clear with 469 Bayou, 623 Cleopatra, and 568 Fremen streamers.
"Love the idea of Carefree. I applied on top of dichroic hoping for the streamer effect, but the streamers were too faint to show in any beads I made. Not shocky and no issues with bubbling or scumming." – Terri Herron

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"A really fun colour! Stripes of turquoise, pale green and purple. Pale green almost white opal shade. Nice melting and no bubbling. Neutral flame. Nice effects when worked in layers."
Jean Daniels
"I wanted to like Carefree. [I am attracted to blue anything.] But there just wasn’t enough colour in it to interest me. If you don’t put it over something, it just looks pretty meh. Shown here as spacers, over white, and over foil."
Janet Evans
“The new CiM Streamer glasses are all transparent with stripes of various opaque colours running the length of the rod. When used they result in ribbons and wisps of colour suspended in the glass. I’ve put these together in one post because usage wise the Streamers are all pretty much the same. They melt smoothly with no shocking, hazing or bubbling. Great to work with. This glass needs to be used carefully to get the best out of it. You can’t just slap it on the mandrel all cattywampus and expect it to look great. You need to wrap it or layer it on with care so that the streamers can stream. I feel that this glass lends itself perfectly to discs and hollows due to the way these types of beads are constructed. I opted for hollow beads and all of the ones pictured were made with the two disc method, not blown.” Read more at Laura’s blog.
Laura Sparling
"Carefree is another of the new streamer glasses offered this year by CiM. Carefree is a clear glass base with green, purple, and blue streamers. I have found that these streamer glasses are beautiful to work with and I enjoy making hollow beads with them. These simple hollows are made with this glass and the streamers are seen faintly through the bead's circular sphere." See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
“The ‘Streamer’ colors like Carefree make playful, fun beads. I made a simple spacer bead. I also made a second bead with a base of Effetre Super Clear. The left side was then encased in Effetre white to represent the opaque, the middle in CiM Marshmallow to represent the translucent, and finally the right remained clear to represent the transparent. Carefree was then wound onto this bead. This gives the opportunity to see encasement in a variety of common beadmaking situations.”
Kim Fields
"Carefree doesn’t do much for me. I don’t see the streamers much and it just looks dirty to me. Over white it looks grey."
Suzanne Cancilla-Fox
"Here Carefree is self wrapped then twisted with tweezers. The larger bead is on a base of Peace. This streamer is nice, but a bit too softly shaded- could use more contrast in the strands."
Jenefer Ham