Messy Color™ Fruit Punch Ltd Run

511730 - Sold Out

Fruit Punch Ltd Run (511730)<br />A brownish orange-red cloudy transparent.

A brownish orange-red cloudy transparent.

A comparison of various pink cloudy transparents. – Olga Ivashina

Click here for other interesting Fruit Punch Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Fruit Punch
Melanie Graham
CiM Fruit Punch, Cranberry Pink, Tahitian Pearl, Daydream
Suzanne Cancilla-Fox
CiM Fruit Punch
Laura Sparling
CiM Fruit Punch
Joy Munshower

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Fruit Punch is a cloudy transparent.
  • Testers were divided on whether or not they liked the cloudy transparents.
"I like the cloudy transparents. Lots!" – Carol Ann Savage
"I didn't get on with the cloudy transparents. If you can add more pigment and they are not shocky, I think they would be good." – Suzy Hannabuss
"I found the cloudy transparent glass to be much stiffer than other glass so it was a bit hard to sculpt with." – Lori Peterson
"I had rods of cloudy transparent colors that were light as well as rods that were very dark. I made some beads with the dark rod of Watermelon and very little light came through the glass and the color was unappealing to me. However, the dark rod of Chocolate is a very nice brown. With such a huge difference between rods, I think it’s kind of a confusing sale if dark and light rods are presented as the same color." – Gloria Sevey
  • Many testers reported that our cloudy transparents were prone to shockiness or breakage. **Please pre-warm / pre-anneal rods accordingly.**
"In general, I have found the Cloudy Transparent colours to be a bit shocky. For the most part, this was quite manageable and well worth the effort, at least for the colours I've tried so far." Read more at Melanie's blog. – Melanie Graham
"I experienced neither shockiness nor boiling with the cloudy transparents. I did use a cool flame though. I’ve changed my method of introducing glass rods to the flame which reduces shocking considerably [almost non-existent unless there are holes in the rod]. I rotate the tip of my rod way above the flame for a short time and then slowly rotate it downward into the flame. It’s usually starting to melt by that time. That said, not everyone uses this cautious of a method and might have rods being shocky because of being put into the flame when they’re still cold." – Gloria Sevey
"In the new cloudy colors it does seem the thicker the rod the more saturated the color seems to be. I had zero issue with Heather, Morgan and Watermelon. However my beloved Pink Lemonade and Vintage Rose were super shocky even with kiln warming." – Michelle Veizaga
"Heather is a little shocky so a little pre-warming and careful introduction to the flame is all that’s needed. I’ve not had a lot of luck as Heather layered over Effetre White cracked [probably thermal] and when I tried over CiM Peace I got all sorts of crazy cracks. I found Chocolate a bit shocky, certainly more so than Watermelon which surprised me since they are both cloudy transparents and made in the same way. However pre-warming the rod seemed to help and the shocky-ness certainly wouldn’t put me off." – Heather Johnson
"I agree with the mostly-too-shocky." – Dwyn Tomlinson
"I made a clear base and encased with the cloudy transparents, but sadly the beads cracked." – Trudi Doherty
"I experienced micro cracks when combining several of the cloudy transparents with 96 COE frit." – Darlene Collette
"I didn’t have any problems with the cloudy transparents! They weren’t shocky or boiled, but I have to admit, that I work in a cold flame and very carefully to prevent any bad incident." – Claudia Eidenbenz
"I found them intolerably shocky." – Laurie Nessel
"I preheated all the testing rods in a Devardi rod warmer as it was particularly cold in the UK at that time and this is something I always do that time of year. By doing this I didn't experience any shockiness. I also used a very thin encasement of Effetre Superclear 006 before applying cloudy transparents as an encasement - no issues." – Juliette Mullett
"I found the cloudy transparents shocky, that they boiled easily in the flame which created micro bubbles on the surface of beads, and that under clear encasement some of them cracked." – Jolene Wolfe
  • Some testers reported that our cloudy transparents were prone to boiling.
"I did find some cloudy transparents could boil if you worked them too hot. I like to work them cooler and with not too much oxygen in the flame." – Trudi Doherty
"I had no issues with any of the cloudy transparents apart from a little bubbling in 1 or 2 of them." – Juliette Mullett
"Another thing common to all of these colours [so far] is that they can be easy to boil, so you really have to watch your heat. This is true not only with fine stringer, but also when applying the glass from the rod to your bead. Work higher up in the flame and a bit cooler to avoid this problem." Read more at Melanie's blog. – Melanie Graham
  • Testers were divided on whether or not they liked the wispy or streaky quality of the cloudy transparents.
"All but two of the new color strands sold and the two that didn’t sell didn’t get much attention [Chocolate and Heather, both cloudy transparents]. I think that maybe those cloudy transparents just didn’t have enough zing to capture the mood hopes of this moment in time." – Gloria Sevey
"There are lots of straight transparents. I'd vote for more cloudy transparents. If the glass is wispy then you can use those qualities to your advantage when making beads." – Carol Ann Savage
"I loved the wispy/streaky quality, for me that was a big part of the attraction." – Trudi Doherty
"I think the wispy/streaky quality is great for certain designs, but it's not something I prefer." – Laurie Nessel
"I quite like the wispy quality, but I do like the more saturated streaks." – Heather Johnson
"Some of my studio mates were unhappy with the color saturation in the cloudy transparents, particularly when making blown beads." – Janet Evans
"I thought the wispiness was an upside. We have lots of solid colours and very few wispy ones. My opinion is that the wispiness is a plus and fills a gap." – Melanie Graham

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"The torso is Fruit Punch over an Effetre 048 transparent base. Air bubbles in Fruit Punch melt out fine. Specks of opaque [boiling?] form, probably when the glass gets too thin as when flamecutting rod or stringer. Easy to pluck out with fine tweezers."
Laurie Nessel
"Fruit Punch is described as a reddish brown cloudy transparent but I found that it lightened substantially while I worked it and came out looking more like a cloudy pinkish peach colour. In general, I have found the Cloudy Transparent colours to be a bit shocky. For the most part, this was quite manageable and well worth the effort, at least for the colours I've tried so far. Heather is the one that I've had the most trouble with out of this group. Another thing common to all of these colours [so far] is that they can be easy to boil, so you really have to watch your heat. This is true not only with fine stringer, but also when applying the glass from the rod to your bead. Work higher up in the flame and a bit cooler to avoid this problem. I have not specifically tested any of these for colour reactions yet. When I do, I might find out something interesting, but so far they do not seem very reactive with other colours." Read more at Melanie's blog.
Melanie Graham
A comparison of various pink cloudy transparents.
Olga Ivashina
"Fruit Punch is a gently-colored, lightly-swirled, orangey-pinkish brown. Yep, hard to describe but so delicate and unusual."
Gloria Sevey
"Pink Lemonade on top, Morgan in the middle, and Fruit Punch on the bottom. All perfectly lovely to sculpt with."
Lori Peterson
"Fruit Punch - more pink! Crazy wonderful selection of pinks from #creationismessy. This is a salmony pink." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Another cloudy transparent, this time in an unusual, slightly brownish, orange-red brick kind of colour called Fruit Punch. The glass was quite stiff to work with but apart from that, which is just an observation and nothing negative, it was great to use. The beads were photographed indoors in natural daylight." Read more at Laura's blog.
Laura Sparling