Messy Color™ Ra Ltd Run

511324 - Sold Out

Ra Ltd Run (511324)<br />An creamy opaque yellow laden with silver.

An creamy opaque yellow laden with silver.

"For me Ra is very similar to Banana Cream. Very beautiful beige color but I have a lot of Banana Cream." – Olga Ivashina

Click here for other interesting Ra Ltd Run discoveries.

Three beads of plain CiM Ra and a fourth bead of Ra with some silvered ivory stringer wrapped around it.
Heather Johnson
CiM Ra, Adriatic, and silvered ivory stringers
Darlene Collette
CiM Ra
Dwyn Tomlinson
CiM Ra & Flax
Laura Sparling

CiM Tester Feedback

  • We are always experimenting with opaque yellows trying to recreate the elusive Cake Batter, per customer requests. (Here, unsuccessful again, but a lovely yellow nonetheless!)
  • Special thanks to Claudia Eidenbenz for providing the photo in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

A comparison of Banana Cream, Baked Alaska, & Ra.
Suzy Hannabuss
"Clear core, Ra & Opal Yellow [ran out of Ra, used Opal Yellow at ends], Goddess torso. Nice, buttery, viscous, very little reducing, very easy to work. Ra is like Opal Yellow but richer buttery/yellow, less flesh colored."
Laurie Nessel
Left to right: Ornela Elfenbein dunkel, Baked Alaska, Ra, Effetre Sabia. See more of Claudia’s color comparisons.
Claudia Eidenbenz
"Ra is a soft buttery yellow that mostly stays yellow but can show some interesting variations the more it’s worked."
Gloria Sevey
"Ra is a silver-rich pastel lemon yellow. It’s like a slightly brighter, tad more saturated version of CiM Baked Alaska. I didn’t strike the glass in any way; I just used it as I would any other opaque glass. I pulled it into stringer and applied it as dots to a base of CiM Flax and the dots retained their crisp edges with no bleeding or feathering. When you heat Ra it loses its colour and looks to be off-white but as it cools the yellow returns. Baked Alaska behaves this way too. I found Ra to be fuss-free with no shocking." Read more at Laura's blog.
Laura Sparling
"Ooooo. I must have more of this. Ra is a light to dark ivory, let's call it self-antiquing and a little bit of a pinkish blush in some places where it strikes. Just beautiful." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Ra reminds me of Baked Alaska or even Honey Mustard although it is lighter than Honey Mustard generally. There are some lovely tones which can come out from this glass depending on how you work it or how much you strike it. It can be anywhere from a plain, pale yellow to a tonal, rich, warm honey colour. I found making several beads on the same mandrel allowed for some wonderful passive striking to take place which I really like. I had some good results with Baked Alaska as a base for various colours and thought this might do the same. I tried it with DH Skylla, CiM Dragon, Reichenbach Purple Rose and CiM Smurfy. Yes, those are all Ra as a base colour! Quite a difference and I don't think I did anything particularly different while making them. Skylla, Dragon and Purple Rose all had quick intentional strikes in the flame but even within those three beads the base colour has a lot of variation in colour."
Heather Johnson
"Ra is a beautiful colour similar to dark ivory. A slight downside is I did have the rod cracking as I worked it."
Suzy Hannabuss
"For me Ra is very similar to Banana Cream. Very beautiful beige color but I have a lot of Banana Cream."
Olga Ivashina
"Ra is a creamy opaque pale yellow. From left to right these beads are: Ra with silvered ivory stringer wraps, Ra with Efftere dark turquoise dots, Ra with Montezuma wraps, and Ra / Montezuma with silvered ivory wraps. Ra is similar to Cake Batter but as you can see with the half and half heart on the far right, will take on a deeper caramel blush which reminds me of Jupiter Storm." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"This glass looks like a slightly yellow ivory in the rod, similar to paler batches of Effetre opal yellow. It works nicely in the flame, no shocking or bubbling. As you heat it the glass looks pale but strikes back to yellow sometimes with a pink blush just like opal yellow. Left to right: Ra alone, Ra with silver foil melted on the surface [no reaction but a pretty finish], Ra with dots of Triton [these were small dots and spread more than I expected, the Triton has reduced to a paler shade than it would on ivory], Ra with dots of Aurae [again more spread than expected and a paler finish on the Aurae], Ra with dots of copper green and EDP [etched, etch was taken well], and Ra with dots of EDP [same sort of results that would be found with opal yellow, spreading of colours with lines between]."
Josephine Wadman