Messy Color™ Serengeti Ltd Run

511729 - Sold Out

Serengeti Ltd Run (511729)<br />An opaque earthy brown with red undertones.

An opaque earthy brown with red undertones.

"Serengeti with topaz over the top -  perfect coloring for the tawny cat!" – Tammy Mercier

Click here for other interesting Serengeti Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Serengeti
Heike Loos
CiM Serengeti
Pati Walton
CiM Serengeti
Dwyn Tomlinson
CiM Serengeti
Melanie Graham
CiM Serengeti
Chris Haussler
CiM Serengeti
Suzy Hannabuss

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Serengeti is a unique addition to the 104 glass color palette.
Serengeti is a new color to the 104 palette. It is similar to Canoe, but with a more red saturation compared to a more golden tone with the Canoe and much darker than Autumn. It is a beautiful color. – Paula Schertz
"The warm, yet earthy glass is a unique addition to the 104 palette and lighter than CiM Canoe." See more at Heather's blog. – Heather Sellers
  • Special thanks to Amy Hall & Paula Schertz for providing the photos in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"Serengeti is an opaque earthy brown with red undertones. I made hand-blown glass shards of a Double Helix test glass named DH OX459. These shine beautifully when added to the Serengeti base bead." Read more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"Serengeti with topaz over the top -  perfect coloring for the tawny cat!"
Tammy Mercier
"Serengeti is a medium, yellowish brown colour. On CiM's website it says that Serengeti has reddish overtones, and the paddle colour is very orange, but achieving colours like that with Serengeti was not possible for me. Serengeti is a striking colour. The bead on the right was reduced, but reduction is not necessary to darken it. It will darken with repeated heating and cooling as you're working your bead." Read more at Melanie's blog.
Melanie Graham
"Serengeti appears to have a limited reaction with silver leaf. This tiny goddess bead has been made with a base of Serengeti burnished with fine silver leaf and then wafted in the flame to vapourise the metal. Some of the silver has been left behind in little patches and droplets and there are some very small darker fumed areas. This bead also gives a better idea of the natural colour variations you can achieve in a sculptural bead made with Serengeti." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"I found that it started as a caramel brown but works to darker tones as it is lightly heated [so lightly that you are really just wafting it in the back of the flame]. I used some silver foil and a sprinkling of my own hand blended Pendragonfyre frit. My frit contains some rare purple rose glass and raku as 2 of the ingredients. It creates some beautiful patterning with the micro-dots of silver framing the bits of colored glass. The result is the base glass makes the frit really sing!" Read more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"Those red undertones, or orange overtones, as I would have described them - become less apparent the longer you work the glass. . . . here, the bead on the right got less re-heating than the one on the left." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Serengeti is a lovely warm tan color, it is slightly less reddish than Canoe. Perfect for animal beads. Serengeti melts beautifully with no shocking or bubbling."
Caroline Davis
Left to right: Canoe, Serengeti, Effetre Cedar. See more of Claudia's work.
Claudia Eidenbenz
"Serengeti is a very fun glass with many faces. The longer it’s worked, the more the lovely reds come to the surface. Winner! Winner!"
Gloria Sevey
"In rod form Serengeti looks caramel brown, and a dead ringer for Stone Ground, right down to the rings of colour at the ends. Once melted, I found that Serengeti bloomed into a rich burnt orange colour. Intrigued by the similarity with Stone Ground I wanted to see how they would compare melted. While they do strike to different shades, the reaction to silvered ivory is the same with both spreading and webbing wildly across the beads [I only added thin lines]. This melted like butter, and while it caused me no issues I did find that bubbles did appear as I melted. The rod was not shocky in any way, but did fascinate me!"
Trudi Doherty
"A Serengeti test revealed the initial rod color to be a warm caramel, however upon melting the opaque glass becomes more vibrant. The color reminds me of a Caloplaca [orange lichen]. No shocking or bubbling occurred during testing. Variations in color can be optained with quick cooling vs. extended heating." See more at Heather's blog.
Heather Sellers
"Serengeti melted smoothly with no shockiness or bubbles. I can see using it for a great color for animal fur for foxes, horses, dogs, etc. Encased with Maple, it is a nice shiny shade of golden brown. The Kalera’s Romance frit and silver foil with Calico frit both created nice organic colored beads. I will be using it as a nice base for frit, as the colors turned out fabulous."
Paula Schertz
"Absolutely loved the reactions with Serengeti when encased in particular."
Amy Hall