Messy Color™ Monarch Ltd Run

511216 -

Monarch Ltd Run (511216)<br />An opaque yellow orange.

An opaque yellow orange.

"Monarch is an opaque autumn butterscotch. A lighter version of CiM's Alley Cat, the new addition has a hint of burnt umber. No shocking or bubbling occurred during testing." Read more at Heather's blog. – Heather Sellers

Click here for other interesting Monarch Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Harvest, Monarch, & Peace
Trudi Doherty
CiM Canoe & Monarch
Pati Walton
CiM Monarch
Melanie Graham
CiM Monarch
Jolene Wolfe
CiM Monarch
Laura Sparling
CiM Monarch, Peace, & Jacaranda
Pauline Chevalier

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Monarch Ltd Run
"Here is Monarch with some of the other oranges I have in my stash right now. You can see that it is much more on the yellow side than CiM Phoenix, CiM Sunset, CiM Harvest, Effetre Dark Zucca, or Effetre Light Zucca. Older batches of Light Zucca can have streaks in it that are this light, yummy orange-yellow but the most recent batch of it [pictured] is much more on the orange side." Read more at Melanie's blog. – Melanie Graham
  • Special thanks to Trudi Doherty & Melanie Graham for providing the photos in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"In the pics you can see a bigger bead which base is half Effetre White and half Effetre Dark Ivory. Next there are three basic beads, upper made with reducing flame, middle oxidizing flame and last with neutral flame. Then there is a bead covered deliberately badly with clear, and a black bead with dots over it. Monarch is a well behaving glass. It does not bleed very much, when covered badly with clear glass. . . . You can see in the pic of Monarch, that with hotter Minor flame the dots are not that crispy and they are lighter too. They reacted slightly for the reducing flame, but not too badly. All tested and said, I think that if I need yellow oranges for something, I would gladly use Monarch." Read more at Maikki's blog.
Maija-Leena Autio
"Monarch is the lighter orange. The end of the rod has struck lighter still, but the beads have blushed more orange in places, which I love. Monarch had an air bubble running the length of the rod, so was a little shocky. . . .You can see the difference between the yellower- and oranger-struck areas of Monarch better here." Read more at Heather's blog.
Heather Kelly
"Monarch is a lovely striking yellow/orange opaque. Monarch is a striking color that goes a bit more yellow when worked - depending on whether it's encased or left as a base. In the rod, it's decidedly more orange and bright, but as you work it it transforms into a more subtle shade of orangy yellow. I just love how it brightened the amber I used with it. Monarch is a really easy glass - no shocking, nice consistency." Read more at Kandice's blog.
Kandice Seeber
"Monarch is an opaque orange and was an absolute delight to work with. No issues at all. Monarch isn’t quite so vibrantly in your face as CiM Creamsicle - it’s a warm, sunny orange. Monarch is smooth with a few striations but none of that horrid patchiness that you get with some opaque oranges. You don’t need to faff about with striking or anything; Monarch, much like Creamsicle and Butternut, takes care of itself. These photos were taken indoors in natural daylight." Read more at Laura's tumblr.
Laura Sparling
"Monarch is an orange that is more on the yellow side, slightly more orange than Pumpkin. . . . Monarch is actually really really close to the color of a real Monarch." Read more at Caroline's blog.
Caroline Davis
"Monarch makes a splendid base colour for silver glass. I was really surprised at the nice colour I got from my TerraNova2 frit on top of this colour. Rather than a strong dark line, silver glass fritty bits get more of a gentle, fuzzy brown line around them on top of Monarch." Read more at Melanie's blog.
Melanie Graham
"Monarch melted smoothly with no shockiness or bubbles. It is a new color to the 104 palette. It is similar to Alley Cat, but a bit lighter. I did get a darker orange outline on one of the dots on the P-276 Dark Ivory, but not on all of them. Monarch encased with Spooky was a very pretty pale pink color." Read more at Paula's blog.
Paula Schertz
"You can see from the end of the rod - that it changes a bit as it heats, and the overall effect is of streaky variability, which, of course, I like. For comparison, on the left is Monarch, and on the right is Creamsicle - which is a brighter, more orangey orange. If it is close to any other colour - I would say that it is more like Effetre 408 - the confusingly named Medium Lemon Yellow." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
Left to right:
Effetre Yellow Lemon 408, Effetre Sunkissed 295, Monarch, Effetre Butternut 414
Claudia Eidenbenz
Left to right:
Creamsicle, Alley Cat, Harvest, Monarch
Claudia Eidenbenz
"Looking through my glass stash, the only glass I found that looked at all similar in rod form was Effetre yellow ochre - but the beads that came out of the kiln were not even close! The Monach beads have dots, the Effetre yellow ochre beads have black hearts. The yellow ocher came out of the kiln looking more like a caramel brown than the beautiful apricot orange of Monarch." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"Monarch melted with no pitting or shocking, I did notice while using it that the glass both in the rod and bead would strike from a chalky white to a darker shade, but as you can see it worked out evenly! Closest colour to Monarch is Effetre Ochre, but Effetre Ochre has more yellow tones. Both Harvest & Monarch are more earthy oranges and are a welcome addition to the 104 range."
Trudi Doherty
"Monarch is an opaque autumn butterscotch. A lighter version of CiM's Alley Cat, the new addition has a hint of burnt umber. No shocking or bubbling occurred during testing." Read more at Heather's blog.
Heather Sellers