Messy Color™ Paris Ltd Run
511910 -
A transparent pink.
Left to right:
Sakura, Venus, Paris, Charlotte – Claudia Eidenbenz
Click here for other interesting Paris Ltd Run discoveries.
CiM Tester Feedback
Charlotte & Paris are very similar transparent pinks [both are mismelts of the Sakura formula].
Our testers agreed that neither batch could pass as Sakura, but they disagreed on whether or not they were similar enough to give them the same item number/name.
It has been our experience that, especially when it comes to very expensive glasses, artists want to know that they are re-purchasing exactly the same color. We chose to market these two batches separately to ensure that customers can choose exactly the hue they prefer.
"Charlotte and Paris – is there any difference? These colours look the same in rod and bead form to me." – Julie Fountain
"These sample beads look more different than the rods, I don't think Charlotte & Paris would pass for each other even if they were the same formula." – Jolene Wolfe
"In bead form, Paris is just a tad more saturated than Charlotte. They are very close. To my eyes, they are both a little more saturated- especially with a bit of orange- than Blush." – Gloria Sevey
"In my opinion, Paris and Charlotte are a perfect color match." – Heather Sellers
Special thanks to Jolene Wolfe, Heather Sellers, & Trudi Doherty for providing the photos in this section.
Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.
"I have been wanting to find a colour like Paris for some time. This soft peachy tone would pair very well with CiM Ginger."
– Sandra Beingessner
| Daylight
Left to right:
Sakura, Venus, Paris, Charlotte
Claudia Eidenbenz
Indoor lighting
Left to right:
Sakura, Venus, Paris, Charlotte
– Claudia Eidenbenz
| "On a base of CiM's Paris Ltd Run, a transparent pink, Double Helix Aurae silver infused glass frit decorates each round bead." See more of Darlene's work.
Darlene Collette
"As with many pink transparents, Charlotte and Paris like to be worked on the cool side, with less fuel than normal. Work them gently to avoid that pesky bubbling and scumming. It's a bit of a balancing act keeping these cool enough not to bubble, but warm enough not to crack. Staying on the higher edge of the flame works best for me." Read more at Kandice's blog.
– Kandice Seeber