Messy Color™ Aladdin Ltd Run

511620 -

Aladdin Ltd Run (511620)<br />A purple moonstone.

A purple moonstone.

"The two spacers on the right are etched – you can see they didn’t etch well in the time I left them in, when it was fine for the opaques coming later. This wasn’t entirely surprising, as it tends to happen with moonstones and more transparent opalinos." Read more at Heather's blog. – Heather Kelly

Click here for other interesting Aladdin Ltd Run discoveries.

Jolene Wolfe
Core of Clear with Aladdin encasement
Heather Kelly
Messy Aladdin
Amy Hall
Gloria Sevey
The focal big hole bead started with a base of CiM Wisteria on which stormed Double Helix Clio was swirled and encased in clear glass. Aladdin was added to each end and streams of Clio were added as surface decoration. The spacers are CiM Aladdin.
Darlene Collette
CiM Aladdin, Anole, & Baked Alaska
Marcy Lamberson

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Aladdin was engineered in response to color requests for a purple moonstone.
I think Aladdin could be called a light version of Simply Berry. – Jolene Wolfe
  • Special thanks to Heather Kelly & Jolene Wolfe for providing the photos in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"Aladdin is a mysterious purple which breathes new life in the flame. The rod appears slightly opal and muted, however the melt tells a different story. The purple glass becomes transparent with a kiss of vibrant magenta. Aladdin is a lovely component for murrini. No shocking or bubbling occurred during testing."
Heather Sellers
"The two spacers on the right are etched – you can see they didn’t etch well in the time I left them in, when it was fine for the opaques coming later. This wasn’t entirely surprising, as it tends to happen with moonstones and more transparent opalinos." Read more at Heather's blog.
Heather Kelly
"Aladdin appears to be a transparent plum, but under a bright light the glass is a rich, slightly transparent marsala with a cranberry glow. When encased with Effetre Clear, the color appeared to lighten. When paired with EDP frit, the depth of Aladdin's color variation is lovely. Any hazing in the test bead is due to EDP and not related to Aladdin's quality."
Heather Sellers