Messy Color™ Sangre

511128 -

Sangre (511128)<br />A dense and saturated bright striking transparent red.

A dense and saturated bright striking transparent red.

Click here to view Sangre Uniques

"Here are two Sangre rounds rolled in pearl mica." See more at Heather's blog. – Heather Kelly

Click here for other interesting Sangre discoveries.

Messy Sangre
Joy Munshower
Messy Sangre, effetre white & sky blue
Julie Fountain
Jolene Wolfe
Messy Sangre & Olive
Whitney Lassini
Sangre with Aurae shards
Darlene Collette
Messy Sangre
Gloria Sevey

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Sangre is easy to strike, and also will not burn out easily.
"A translucent, almost opaque when worked 'normal.' I found when I tried to boil it, it wouldn't, went to clear...let it cool a bit and strike and you get light orange all the way back to translucent red." – Elasia
"It is a beautiful true red that doesn’t turn orange. If you work it as a base color for awhile, it will turn opaque in the middle, appearing as if you had encased an opaque red with a transparent one." – Chris Molter
"Sangre is nice and easy to strike red, especially if not played with too much. The longer you work with the glass in the flame, the darker and more opaque it became. I did have two beads turn out to be an 'iodine orange'." – Jan Whitesel-Keeton
"I love this color. It's the easiest striking red I've gotten the pleasure to play with. I've spent 15 + minutes trying to strike moretti or vetro transparent red, and with Sangre, just had to try one time! It also doesn't burn out easily." – Evil Glass
"Sangre is a wonderful striking red that strikes easily. A must for every beadmaker's palette!  Thinly over clear it glows and is crisp and bright over white." – Leslie Anne Bitgood
"It is a truer red than most I have used. It also strikes more evenly, but can also overstrike and turn translucent, or run to clear when worked a long time. I found it very soft for a transparent color, which makes it a bit more difficult to work sculpturally. On the other hand, the softness of the glass made it easy to go back in and add texture/ detail, so that was some compensation in terms of its use sculpturally." – Elise Swope
"This red is really awesome. If you don't keep continuous heat on it it remains transparent. If you continually heat it, it goes opaque. Very cool." – Genea Crivello
"Sangre is a definite blood red, easy to strike, kind of translucent. I worked this a long time and it didn't burn like the Lauscha translucent red can do." – Kevan Aponte
"I really do like Sangre, it holds itself well to being abused, being placed in reduction and with reactive glasses with it." – Claire Morris
"Sangre is one of my favourite reds [apart from Maraschino] as it's fuss free, easy to strike and a gorgeous shade!" – Trudi Doherty
  • Testers were divided on whether or not Sangre & Oz make the perfect holiday red & green colors.
"That red certainly does pop. And it's [Oz] a nice bright green. But in my mind - holly leaves are darker, and berries darker and bluer." Read more at DragonJools blog. – Dwyn Tomlinson
"Messy Color has a great transparent red called Sangre, which is a true Christmas red." Read more at the Frantz Art Glass blog. – Patricia Frantz
"Yes! Festive enough for fairy lights!" Read more about Sangre at Julie Fountain's blog. – Julie Fountain
"While I love Sangre, it has too many wonderfully interesting properties and variations to be a 'Perfect Christmas Red.'" – Bonnie Polinski
"I love working with Sangre & Oz and worked correctly, they are the perfect Christmas colors. I have an issue with Sangre though. I cannot consistently work the glass to a true transparent when used as a base bead. I often have swirls or layers in the center of my bead that are opal or even opaque. If I heat the bead enough to 'burn' the color out and then strike it back to red, I don’t strike it consistently to an even red. But compared to the Italian reds, Sangre works better and doesn’t suffer from getting too much heat." – Chris Haussler
"I did find the Sangre was a much nicer Christmas red on larger beads; on smaller ones it seemed a bit washed out." – Donna Dorman
"Definitely Christmas colors. I don’t usually make 'theme' beads, but if I were to make something for Christmas these colors look perfect." – Gail Witt
"They are a good color combination for Christmas colors." – Jan Whitesel-Keeton
"The problem with Sangre, in the context of it being a 'Christmas red,' is that it looks much more like 'Bloody Halloween red.' When the color separates out it looks like blood that has been separated into cells and serum, or whatever the proper medical terms are. It’s a beautiful red, and, except when it does the separated-blood thing, is very much a pure, bright Christmas red." – Kathy Coon
"Sangre is the perfect Christmas red." – Elizabeth Long
"Yes, they're perfect! Sangre is the perfect shade and density of Santa red." – Renee Wiggins
"I do not believe that Sangre and Oz are indicative to Christmas – they are too dense, even for spacers." – Vonna Maslanka
"Sangre will probably be the best red and most true to Christmas Red." – Sue Stewart
"Yes, Sangre & Oz are dead on perfect." – Starleen Colon
  • Some testers report that Sangre shifts in color depending on the type of lighting.
"Sangre, like most transparent reds, likes to be photographed in natural daylight or else it will look like it has a brownish tinge to it." Read more at Laura's blog. – Laura Sparling
"Sangre is my favorite red. It’s rich and true and stays red, regardless of the lighting. It’s like Maraschino’s goth big sister." – Lori Peterson
  • Special thanks to Genea Crivello-Knable, Patricia Frantz, Leslie Anne Bitgood, Kevan Aponte, Vonna Maslanka, Teri Wathan, Maija-Leena Autio (x2), & Jolene Wolfe for providing the photos in this section.

Amy Houston made red, orange, & yellow beads with Sangre, tangerine sparkle odd, and light lemon yellow.
Darlene Collette used Sangre & Clockwork with 99% fine silver.  
See how Darlene Collette created opalescent portals with Sangre & Aurae on top of Adamantium.  
Darlene Collette's beads with Aurae shards on Sangre were featured in Bead Trends magazine.  
DragonJools made Sangre beads with DH Aurae.       
Darlene Collette made a set capturing the colors of the harvest using Sangre.   
Visit DragonJools blog for a review of Sangre.   
Darlene Collette used Sangre with DH Aurae.
Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"Sangre has always been my favorite transparent red. Just the right amount of brightness and doesn’t get 'livered' or brownish if you work it for a long time. I made a simple spacer bead. I also made a second bead with a base of Effetre Super Clear. The left side was then encased in Effetre white to represent the opaque, the middle in CiM Marshmallow to represent the translucent, and finally the right remained clear to represent the transparent. Sangre was then wound onto this bead. This gives the opportunity to see encasement in a variety of common beadmaking situations.”
Kim Fields
"Sangre is a lovely red. Not shocky and no issues with bubbling or scumming. Played nicely with dichroic and silver glass on the same bead!"
Terri Herron
"Sangre is THE best red out there. You can get so many different reds out of it based on how you work it. I like the variety, so I can't give you the exact 'recipe' for each red. I get opaque, transparent, translucent, brick red, bright red, etc."
Jennifer Borek
"CiM's colours are about the colour they are already in the rod, but other glass producers' rods can be very light, almost light amber, so if rods are unmarked, you cannot know their colour before heating them. . . . I was more interested in spacer beads and white beads with a thick layering over them in a hope to see their 'real' colour. I took photos of the beads in natural winterly light, as photographing reds in artificial light can make them look browner than they are." Read more at Maikki's blog.
Maija-Leena Autio
Melanie uses Sangre frit in her blend "Tiger Lily." See more of her 104 compatible FrittyBits blends.
Melanie Graham
Vickie Christian uses Sangre frit to create 104 compatible frit blends. Find more blends at Vickie's Emporium.
Vickie Christian
Check out Diane Woodall’s simple tutorial for making gumdrops with Sangre in the February 2014 issue of the Soda Lime Times.
Diane Woodall
Learn how to make poppy murrini with Sangre in Julie Haveland Beer’s tutorial in the October 2013 issue of the Soda Lime Times.
Julie Haveland Beer
Learn how to make this beautiful twistie with Astrid's tutorial in the December 2013 Soda Lime Times.
Astrid Riedel
"Sangre by CiM is my favorite red glass, hands-down, and when you pair it with the earthiness of silvered ivory shards, it is positively magic!" Check out Diane's tutorial in the June 2012 issue of the Soda Lime Times.
Diane Woodall
Sangre with DH Ehko frit, reduced. See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"Sangre and Precision's Monet Amethyst Silver have a beautiful reaction."
Suzanne Hansen
Sangre with Terra and Lauscha clear.
Claire Morris
"Here are two Sangre rounds rolled in pearl mica." See more at Heather's blog.
Heather Kelly
"Sangre’s a very handy transparent red – unlike Effetre striking red, it doesn’t go brown easily, and if you’re using a hothead, you probably won’t notice it’s a striking glass at all. The rod’s red, you wind it on and shape and it’s still red! On a minor you can go through the clear stage, though when I’ve used it so far it has still struck pretty automatically. I haven’t had to do anything to it on purpose." Read more at Heather's blog.
Heather Kelly
Check out Helen Vanek’s ladybug tutorial using Sangre.
Helen Vanek
"My favorite red in the whole 104 COE line is CiM Sangre. This is one of CiM's older basic colors, and I find it to be consistently beautiful and easy to use. It's also a semi-transparent, and is a vivid Christmas red that's very similar in shade to Valentine. I consider it to be relatively close to Lauscha Cherry Red from way back when. It's the perfect red for me - not too warm and not too cold, on the darker side - like red velvet cake." Read more at Kandice's blog.
Kandice Seeber
Lighting made with Sangre and Sangre Unique.
Stacy Harshman
”I made a large focal sized bead, using just Sangre, in a strong reduction flame. The results were very interesting; streaks of light grey/blue are clearly visible on the bead after kiln annealing. This bead is also totally opaque, the longer working and repeated striking has taken Sangre from unstruck two tone transparent and on to fully opaque which personally I like. It gives Sangre working properties unique in the 104 palette and is a very versatile glass.” Read more at Craft Pimp.
Jolene Wolfe
"Sangre and Oz=the perfect Christmas twisty!"
Leslie Anne Bitgood
“The hat is made on a hollow mandrel, so the Sangre is relatively thin compared to a solid bead. I worked this in the flame for around 20 minutes and it kept true to color.”
Teri Yount
“I have been experimenting for a while with using some of the denser Messy Color transparents as shards over clear beads to create brighter, lighter versions of these beautiful colors.” Read more at the Frantz Art Glass blog.
Patricia Frantz
Find Laura Sparling's video on how to strike Sangre on her YouTube channel.
Laura Sparling
"In my opinion the best way to show off this wonderful red is to use it in moderation and to let the light shine through it. As you can see I've got quite consistent results with the glass regardless of the fact it's a striker. I really didn't treat it any differently to a non-striking transparent and I went about my beadmaking business in a pretty normal manner. That's what I mean when I say Sangre is easy to strike. . . Sangre will definitely be my 'go to' transparent red from now on. Love it!" Read more at Laura's blog.
Laura Sparling
"Double Helix Aion trails over CiM Sangre. Hot d4mn - I like it!" Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Of all the reds in the glassy world, Sangre is my absolute favourite - it's passionate, bright, vibrant, and glowing. And it 'strikes', which means the colour develops the more the glass is worked in the flame, so you can get wonderful variation from transparent yellow to deep rich red, like in these wings.  Ooooh, glass with feeling!" Read more at Julie's blog.
Julie Fountain
"I found that Aurae used as a decoration over Sangre and lustered in a reduction flame before encasing, yields a great reaction out of the Aurae. This combination brings out brilliant lustered blues from the Aurae which starts out as a light purple transparent rod. I find the transitions almost mind blowing, but that is what is so exciting about the reactive silver glass colors." Read more at the Frantz Art Glass blog.
Patricia Frantz
"Bit of a saturated red, gorgeous true red color, but I found if you want a more transparent red you have to use it with clear, or white." Read more at Elasia's blog.
"If you have made beads for any time at all, you are probably familiar with how difficult it can be to get a great Christmas red to make all your Christmas projects out of. In my experience as a lampworker, I found it next to impossible to find a transparent red that wasn’t too orange or that didn’t turned kind of brown after you worked it in the flame for a while. Not to worry, CiM – Messy Color has a great transparent red called Sangre, which is a true Christmas red." Read more at the Frantz Art Glass blog.
Patricia Frantz
"Silk Kimono uses a lot of Lipstick/Bordello/Sangre in the twistie/murrini/shardfetti. The intense red shards are made by encasing Sangre over Effetre Crimson with Hades to make the lace effect."  View more of Jolene's work.
Jolene Wolfe
"The smaller bead on the left is the Sangre, and, for contrast, the larger bead on the right is the Lauscha transparent red. There is a slight colour difference . . . It definitely appears more opaque - the Lauscha does retain more of luminousity because it is slightly more transparent. Still - it's a great colour of red, and I prefer it to the Moretti striking transparent red. Also, so far, all the rods of the Sangre I've seen so far have been actually red - which makes it easier to find when hunting in the glass stash!" Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"This is a very dark red, shows as opaque if used thick, but can be transparent if diluted enough, i.e. over clear. A really nice red. An excellent addition to the COE 104 palette." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson