Messy Color™ Blue Suede Shoes Ltd

511504 - Sold Out

Blue Suede Shoes Ltd (511504)<br />An extremely dark opal cobalt blue.

An extremely dark opal cobalt blue.

"And this is Blue Suede Shoes on the left, and light Lapis on the right. Once cooled, it is a near perfect match. Oddly though, when hot, it is significantly lighter than the BSS, but when they came out of the kiln - they all matched." Read more at DragonJools blog. – Dwyn Tomlinson

Click here for other interesting Blue Suede Shoes Ltd discoveries.

CiM Blue Suede Shoes
Chris Haussler

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"And this is Blue Suede Shoes on the left, and light Lapis on the right. Once cooled, it is a near perfect match. Oddly though, when hot, it is significantly lighter than the BSS, but when they came out of the kiln - they all matched." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"White dots are Effetre white and interestingly fuzzy over Blue Suede Shoes."
Jolene Wolfe
"All in all, this is a pretty color, if you can get it to behave, don't mind a little bit of inconsistency in color, and if you like opals in general. It's not cobalt, though, in my opinion. It's closest to lapis blue." Read more at Kandice's blog.
Kandice Seeber
"Here we have, from left to right, Effetre 242 Medium Lapis, Effetre 240 Light Lapis, Effetre Earth, and CiM Blue Suede Shoes. In this photo, on my monitor - and take my word for it when I say that this dark blue is exceedingly hard to photograph and reproduce faithfully - the Light Lapis and the Blue Suede Shoes look like a near match - but in real life - the better match is Medium Lapis and Blue Suede Shoes." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Dots on white. A little bleeding around the edge. Well - more like 'fuzzification.'" Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Dark, dense, opal cobalt blue. There was some degree of translucency but hard to see- more like a bit of a glow when there was a bright light shining behind it."
Gloria Sevey
"Blue Suede Shoes was really creamy and smooth, and I was surprised by how much it darkened in the kiln. I thought it was more of an opal color, and it may be an opal if not worked too hot, but I heated and reheated the bead many times to get the flowers attached properly, and this may have caused the color to become more opaque."
Gail Witt